Painting Rocks & Spreading Kindness 
Many of you might have heard of the painted rocks movement or even found one of these little hidden gems!
Locally we are experiencing a great deal of artists and members of our community joining in on the fun and stopping here at Estes for rocks to paint.
What is it, you may ask?
The joy of a hunt and the reward of making someone’s day is just part of treasure associated with this trend.
Painted rocks can be found in your community! Individuals who enjoy painting rocks and spreading kindness design and hide rocks with motivational, encouragements, inspirational, wwwotional, or artistic designs on them. Many children are participating in the fun too! After the rocks are designed, then you get the fun of hiding your treasures out in the community for someone to find. Once found, there will be directions on the back of the rock of where to share your finds. Then you can re-hide and pay forward the spreading of the kindness!
Want to JOIN in on the FUN and SPREAD KINDNESS?
Here is a link to a Facebook group where you can find all the details about what is happening around Columbus, IN We are following and love seeing all of your designs!
Rock painter looking for rocks?
Below are some examples of what we have available for your hobby!
Mexican Beach Pebbles & Rainbow Flats
Opening Saturdays 8-2 April 7, 2018